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Be the Signal, Not the Noise

In a world of AI-generated blah, be refreshingly human. SmartWrite AI: Because your words matter.

The AI That Writes Like a Human, Thinks Like You

Turn Your Intent into Impact

Forget robotic responses. SmartWrite AI is your personal wordsmith, crafted by minds behind viral posts and bestsellers.


This Tool Was Forged by Wordsmiths

  • • Trained by copywriters with viral Instagram posts (1M+ views)
  • • Infused with the eloquence of Berkeley-educated authors
  • • Adapts to your voice, not the other way around
  • • Crafts messages that feel personal, not programmed


more engaging than generic AI*


of users say it sounds like them


time saved on crafting messages

*Based on internal survey of comparison with leading AI language models default outputs

How SmartWrite Works

  1. 1. Tell it your intent (no complicated prompts needed)
  2. 2. Pick your style (tone and voice)
  3. 3. Watch as it weaves context, history, and your style
  4. 4. Voilà! A message that's unmistakably you, but better

1. Whisper your intent



Click on images to enlarge

SmartWrite AI captures the essence of your style, the nuances of your relationships, and the context of your conversation. It's not about sounding smart; it's about sounding human. Particularly the YOU kind of human.

🧠 Your Path to Smarter Writing

Four Steps to Writing Wizardry


Open Hit Em Up and find the SmartWrite MagicWand icon shown in the images to the left


Share your intent. Be brief. Be bold. Be you.


Choose your style (tone and voice). Formal? Friendly? Fiery?


Review your smart message. Tweak if needed. Then watch it work wonders.

Curious Minds Want to Know

Is this going to make me sound like everyone else?

Quite the opposite. While other AIs homogenize, SmartWrite AI personalizes. It learns your unique voice and amplifies it. You'll sound like you, but on your best day, after a great cup of coffee, and maybe a stroke of genius.

Can it handle my industry jargon?

Whether you're dropping nutrition terms or religious lingo, SmartWrite AI keeps up. It's been trained on diverse professional content and adapts to your specific vocabulary. No more dumbing down your expertise.

Will people know I'm using AI?

Only if you tell them. SmartWrite AI is designed to enhance your natural communication, not replace it. It's like having a wordsmith whispering in your ear, not a robot taking over your keyboard.

What if I don't like what it writes?

Then change it! SmartWrite AI is a collaborator, not a dictator. Edit, tweak, or completely rewrite. The more you use it, the better it gets at capturing your style. It's AI that learns from you, not the other way around.

How much does it cost?

SmartWrite AI is included in your Standard Plan. This allows you to customize messages that get sent to whole lists. Future AI features may be additional.

Are there limits?

SmartWrite AI is included in your Standard Plan. There are rate limits in place to prevent abuse, but most user's do not experience that.

What about privacy?

Imagine waking up each morning with a clean slate. As you open your eyes, you find a notebook on your bedside table. You read it, absorbing every detail about your life, your loved ones, and your plans for the day. With this knowledge, you write a heartfelt message to someone important. Then, as you close the notebook, all that temporary information fades away, leaving only the message you crafted. This is how SmartWrite AI works. It briefly learns everything it needs to write a perfect message for you, creates it, and then "forgets" everything, retaining nothing. We don't use your information to train our models or store it any longer than necessary to process your request. Your privacy isn't just protected—it's built into the very nature of how SmartWrite AI functions.

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Your Next Chapter in Communication

Become the Author of Your Success

Dive deeper into the art of AI-assisted writing. Learn to craft words that captivate, convince, and convert. Your audience awaits.